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Maine Coon's coat grooming

Published on: 14/06/2024
Грижа за козината на вашия Мейн Куун

Maine Coons are known for their shiny coat and striking looks. Proper coat care is essential to keep your Maine Coon healthy, happy and beautiful.

That's why we've created this article with helpful tips and tricks to help you keep your pet's coat in great condition.

What we need to know about the fur of Maine Coon cats

Except for the so-called "mane", the coat on the head and shoulders of the Maine Coon is short and becomes distinctly longer along the back and flanks, as well as on the belly. Their coat requires regular attention as, in addition to the coarser waterproof coat, they also have an undercoat that is soft and fine.

The dense, free-falling topcoat is water-repellent and covers the back, flanks and top of the tail completely. The lower parts of the body and the back of the hind legs are usually covered only with noticeably softer fur.

Although many Maine Coons have silky, easy-care coats, some have thicker, more tangle-prone coats that require more grooming.

Necessary tools for care

  • Metal comb: Ideal for smoothing and combing the coat. Use it daily, especially if your cat's fur tangles easily.
  • Slicker Brush: Effective for deeper care every few days to prevent tangling. Be careful to avoid injury to the cat.
  • Brush for combing fur and undercoat/Trimmer: Suitable for use during the molting periods and at the change of seasons (spring and autumn). Be extra careful with this type of brush as they have cutters that help remove dead matted fur and tangles.
  • Nail scissors: Keep your cat's nails trimmed to prevent overgrowth and reduce the risk of scratching.
  • Cat wipes: Useful for cleaning fur and removing dirt.

Routine care

Редовната грижа за козината е от съществено значение за мейн кууните, за да се предотврати сплъстяването, да се намали отделянето на косми и да се поддържа кожата им здрава. Без подходяща грижа козината им може да се заплита, което води до дискомфорт и потенциални здравословни проблеми като кожни инфекции или космени топки.

  • Start early: Start grooming your Maine Coon as a kitten so he gets used to the process. Kittens will bite the comb and play with it, which is normal. In time, they will get used to the brushing procedure and it will be much easier and pleasant, both for the kitten and for you.
  • Regular brushing: Use a metal comb to remove knots and prevent tangling. You can brush your Maine Coon's fur with a metal comb daily or at least once every few days.
  • Regular deep care: Use a slicker brush once a week to successfully brush through the thicker undercoat and keep the coat smooth.
  • Bathing: Bathe your Maine Coon occasionally to keep his coat clean and reduce shedding. Bathing is also particularly recommended during moulting periods as this will greatly speed up the process and prevent stubborn tangles from forming.
  • Nail trimming: Trim your cat's nails every 2-3 weeks using special cat clippers, being careful not to touch the living part of the nail.

Dealing with tangles and knots

Tangles and knots are common problems in cats with long fur. If you encounter a knot, use a detangling tool or a metal-toothed brush to gently untangle it.

In severe cases, you may need to cut the knot with scissors, being very careful not to injure the cat's skin. Regular brushing can help prevent knots.

Additional coat care tips

  • Quality food: A high protein diet supports a healthy coat.
  • Hydration: Make sure your cat has access to fresh water to keep the skin and coat hydrated.
  • Regular veterinary examinations: Regular health checkups can identify any skin or cosmetic problems early.
  • Omega fatty acids: Include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in your cat's diet to maintain a shiny and healthy coat.

Ear and eye care

Although not directly related to coat care, it is important to mention that it is good to regularly check and clean your Maine Coon's ears and eyes:

  • Ear cleaning: Use a cat-specific ear cleaner and a soft cloth to clean the ears. You can also use moistened makeup pads.
  • Cleaning the eyes: Remove accumulated secretions from the eyes with a damp cloth or makeup pad.

Creating a positive grooming experience

The truth is that every cat is different - some love brushing with a comb, others take it as the most hateful thing that could happen to them. 🙂

That doesn't mean that caring for your Maine Coon's coat shouldn't be a priority. Here are some helpful tricks that might help you if you're having trouble:

  • Start early: We have already mentioned how important it is for the kitten to get to know the comb from a young age and start getting used to brushing, but repetition is the mother of knowledge.
  • Be gentle: Be gentle with your cat and speak in a soothing and gentle tone.
  • Use treats: Reward your cat with treats and praise to create positive associations with brushing and nail clipping.
  • Take breaks: If your cat becomes stressed or unfaithful, take a break and resume the procedure later.


Caring for your Maine Coon is an essential aspect of its well-being. By establishing a regular grooming routine and using the right tools, you can prevent common fur problems and strengthen your bond with your furry friend.

Remember that caring for the fur is not only about maintaining the appearance, but also about monitoring the state of health.

Luxury Bellus Pride Maine Coon - all rights reserved.
Design and development Rebecca Todorova.

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